Norman Wilder Forest Trails in Tryon, NC

Monday, January 8, 2024

Norman Wilder Forest, Tryon, NC


We love chasing the falls, but today we opted for a hike to the base of the cliffs in Norman Wilder Forest in Western North Carolina, where we were pleasantly surprised with our first “spring” sighting. The first, bright pops of wild daffodils are sprouting up along the trails. Even though the skies are still overcast and the weather will likely catch us off guard with a blizzard or two, new life is already stirring out there. What a beautiful sight to see in January.


Norman Wilder Forest

Norman Wilder Forest covers about 200 acres between Saluda and Tryon in Western NC and features a drip waterfall, sheer cliffs, wooden bridges, and lots of wildflowers in the spring.  


Norman Wilder Forest



Cliffs (Red Trail)

Distance: 1.8 miles out and back
Difficulty: Easy to Strenuous
Trail: Start on Blue Trail and at the fork turn onto Red Trail

We started off along the Blue Trail and at the fork between the Red and Yellow Trails, turned right to continue on the Red Trail to the cliffs. Be warned, this path is VERY steep, narrow, and riddled with exposed roots and rocks all the way up to the rocky outcrop. The trail is perfect for people who are looking for more challenging experience.


Norman Wilder Forest: Red Trail


When we reached the cliffs, the rain had just stopped and a fine drip was running down the rock face. It was beautiful.


For a kid-friendly hike you can opt to hike to Drip Falls instead.


Drip Falls 

Distance: 1.8 miles out and back
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate 
Trail: Start on Blue Trail and at the fork turn onto Yellow Trail

There's a reason it's called Drip Falls. It truly is a drip. The waterfall is a very low-flow trickle that drips over a massive rock face. Until you get really close to the base, chances are you won't be able to see the flow from the trail. This is one of those hikes when you may enjoy the journey more than the destination. But if you’re looking for something rather quick and easy to enjoy nature without breaking a sweat, this is it. The trail is kid-friendly and perfect for a day hike at a slow pace. 


Norman Wilder Forest: Drip Falls



Good to Know: 

- Hike the Yellow Trail to see Drip Falls and Red Trail to reach the cliffs

-Blue Trail: 0.7 miles, easy hike

-Yellow and Red Trails: ~ 0.6 miles out and back each

- The blue and yellow trails are easy to moderate. The red trail to the cliffs is very steep with lots of exposed tree roots and rocks.

- Climbing on the cliffs is prohibited

- Parking is extremely limited. There's a small parking area along the road at the trailhead for 4-5 cars tops.


Remember, take only photos and leave only footprints!


If you are in the area, you can also visit the MELROSE FALLS for a dramatic waterfall view. It's a short distance from the Norman Wilder Forest parking area. Both trails are pet-friendly and can be hiked with the kids in one day. Another great hike and by far our favorite one in this area is Pearson's Falls. 


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